Povezave EU


Europa Server – glavni strežnik EU
EU Calendar of Main European Activities
What’s New – Recent Developments 
Brief History of the EU
EU’s History 
The EU Today and Tomorrow: Adapting the EU for the Benefit of its peoples and preparing for it for the future.
Committee of Independent Experts: First Report on Allegiations regarding Fraud, Mismanagement and Nepotism in the European Commission, 15 March 1999 
Members of the European Parliament
The Prodi Commission – Commissioners
Agencies and Bodies


European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (E.M.E.A.)
European Environment Agency (EEA)
European Training Foundation
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
The Directorates-General (DG) and Services (list)
Committee of the Regions
Council of the European Union
Presidency Site
Presidency conclusions 
Court of Auditors 
Court of Justice
Court of Justice – Recent Judgements
Economic and Social Committee
European Parliament
Parliamentary Committees
Temporary Committees
Committee of Independent Experts
Legislative Observatory
Plenary Sessions
Political Groups on the Web
European Central Bank
European Investment Bank (EIB)
European Ombudsman
The European University Institute
Historical Archives of the European Communities
The Robert Schumann Centre
Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) 2000


ADAM: Systeme Administratif et Documentaire des Achats et Marchés (The ADAM database contains all the data (but not the reports) related to market research done by the external consultants. Every piece of research, either complete or incomplete, can be indentified by a descriptive card containing the title, the summary, service management, etc. )
Archives, Historical Archives Database 


Dialogue with Business
E-Commerce Site, via ISPO
Public Tenders (TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) is a database containing all European calls for tender published in the Official Journal Supplement S of the European Communities. It is official information source for public procurement opportunities from the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond.) 
Citizens First 


Euro Server 
The Euro: Key Internet Websites, U.S. Delegation Server
The single currency and the European Parliament 
Euro Announcement site 


European Commission Legal Advisory Board for the Information Market 
European Internet Forum Policy Papers 
Informatics Directorate
ISPO, The EC Information Society Project Office
Telematics for Libraries, DG XIII C/E
Telematics for Libraries, Issues for Green Paper on the Role of Libraries in the Information Society
Market Access Database 


CORDIS – Access to information sponsored scientific and technical R&D
    Search the CORDIS databases
    A to Z Index
    Thematic Index 
Research and Technological Development 
Joint Research Center 
Women’s Site, DGX 

Commission, Alphabetical Subject Index
ECLAS, the European Commission Library Catalogue from the Libraries site
Eudor (Eudor is a service which allows searching and ordering of documents)
SCAD Bibliography (SCAD is a bibliographic database containing references from 1983– of more than 250.000 documents divided in 4 sectors. A special “News update” section gives you access, by subject, to the most recent documents in the database. 
SCADplus service


Task Force for the Accession Negotiations, (TFAN) listed under “negotiations.”
Enlargement: Preparation to the Accession
White Paper: Preparation of the Associated Countries of Central and Eastern Europe for Integration into the Internal Market of the Union 
Agenda 2000, U.S. Delegation Server
Agenda 2000, Europa Server


Coordination of Space Activities
ELVIL, the European Legislative Virtual Library 
European Council Summits since 1994 
Europarl, Studies and Background Documents 
The European Commission: Official Documents
     I. Green Papers 
    II. White Papers
   III. Reports
Eurostat Online Publications and Statistical Indicators 
EU Commission and Special Interest Groups


EU Glossary
EU Glossary, Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Glossary: The reform of the Union in 150 definitions
EU and Kosovo
Mine Actions


Treaties – ustanovitvene pogodbe
Bulletin of the European Union Legal Databases on the Europa Server
CELEX: Access to European Union law CELEX is a comprehensive and authoritative source of EC law offering full-text coverage of a wide range of legal acts from the founding treaties, to enacted and proposed legislation, international agreements and the decisions of the European Courts)(NOTE: This database requires a password)
Eur-Lex (European Union Law) Initially, EUR-Lex will provide free public access to issues of the Official Journal of the European Communities (both L and C series) published in the last twenty days, the Treaties, consolidated versions of existing legislation and recent judgments by the Court of Justice. 
PreLex – the database for monitoring the decision making process between EU institutions
COM Documents published in the OJ C from the Parliament Web Server
European Environmental Law Homepage 
European Parliament – Fact Sheets
General Report on the Activities of the European Communities (1995-present) 
Harmonised Standards
Telecommunications (1994-1996)
European Union, Selected instruments taken from the treaties (A collection of EU Treaties)
The Amsterdam Treaty: a Comprehensive Guide
Treaties with Third Parties, Council of the European Union 


Annual Economic Report 1996
Annual Economic Report 1997
Annual Economic Report 1999
Annual Report on competition policy – 1995- present
Common Agricultural Policy, 1998 Review
Competition Policy Newsletter
Enlargement Newsletter, DG for Environment and Enlargement
EP News
EU Annual Report on Human Rights 


Central Europe Online 
EU Business 
European Foreign Policy Bulletin 
European Integration online Papers (EIoP), ECSA-Austria
European Journal of International Law 
European News and Newspapers 
European Voice, A Weekly View of the Union
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 
Working Papers Series, Harvard Jean Monnet Chair 

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